What Social Media Accounts Should I Have?

Best Practice

Algorithm sounds like the name of a DJ who mixes classical music. Unfortunately, it is not that exciting. It is a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer. However, in this context, it is the rules and patterns of social media. It is how each platform pushes certain content towards demographics. It is constantly changing as it tries to tailor the news feed to the users’ interests. Currently, short-form video has been all the rage. A short-form video is usually 6-10 seconds long, shot at a 9:16 ratio. They are often referred to as reels or shorts. This aspect ratio is ideal for multiple platforms, allowing for easy cross-media posts. 


Look at this short-form content right here. It is a 10-second video, summarising an event at a Christian union society. 

instagram checklist

how to Post

Instagram works using grids. The layout of an Instagram account is three columns. This can be an opportunity to be creative. Posting pictures or graphics in sections can be used to create unique pictures that are appealing to any users visiting your profile. It is also recommended to follow a colour palette. See the colour page for more information. 

Top Tips for Instagram

Instagram was originally designed for pictures. Therefore, words should be kept to a minimum. Words can be used to complete a picture. This is why font is an essential element of design. Learn more about font on our Typography page. 

White space is a term used to describe the empty space in the design. Do not feel all space should be filled. White space can recentre focus on key details. It creates balance in your design. Follow the ‘Z‘ method. We read from the top left corner down to the bottom right in a ‘Z‘ pattern. 

When designing a post, consider using three colours at most. Reducing the number of colours will keep the design simple and highlight the important parts of the post. See the Colour page for more information. 

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